Reporting your Sync changes
A Laravel
relationship uses a pivot table to connect many models to many other models.
For example, a User might have many roles; he can be an Author
, and an
. Likewise, a role of Author
can have multiple users.
Creating or Removing a Single Relation
One side of the relationship can be attached to the other by using the
method on the relationship method, and it can be removed from the
relationship by using the detach()
use App\Models\Role;
use App\Models\User;
$user = User::find(1);
$oldRole = Role::whereName(Role::EDITOR)->sole();
$newRole = Role::whereName(Role::AUTHOR)->sole();
Updating a Relation List
Or you can synchronize a list of roles in one fell swoop with the sync()
method. It will remove all relations not listed, and make sure that any
listed relations are added.
// Using the same $user that has `Author` and doesn't have `Editor`, but
// it might have other roles attached that we don't want him to have.
$roles = Role::whereIn(
We can also have extra data on the pivot table, perhaps we want to record
the user who changed the permission. We can send that data to the sync()
method with a larger array. This array needs the related model’s key, which
is usually id
, but it might uuid
, or ulid
or hash_id
, so we can
future-proof ourselves by using the getKey()
method on the model:
$authorRole->getKey() => ['updated_by' => Auth::id()],
$managerRole->getKey() => ['updated_by' => Auth::id()],
$departmentHeadRole->getKey() => ['updated_by' => Auth::id()],
In this case, since all the extra data is the same, we can send it once and Eloquent will add it for us:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
$user->roles()->syncWithPivotValues($roles, ['updated_by' => Auth::id()]);
Enhancing the user experience
So how do we know what changed? It might be a use case that with your change,
you send a flash message
to the user telling them that the changed user no longer has the role of Super
, but now has the role Manager
. We can do that by capturing the
return value of sync()
The sync()
method returns an array of arrays with three
keys: attached
, detached
, and updated
, each one containing an array of
the affected relationships.
Today's Laravel Tip: a many-to-many relationship's sync() will return an array of the changes made.
— Jeff Harris 🏆 (@jefhar70) April 18, 2023
In this example, User 82 is now attached to my model, User 57 is no longer attached, and a change was made to a pivot table attribute for User 54.
I this specific use case, I am attaching users to smaller groups. Here we see that my group now has a new attachment to User #82, is no longer attached to User #57, and a pivot attribute has changed on the relationship with User #54. Any existing relationships remain
With this data, I can create one or more flash messages telling the user of these changes.
$request->session()->flash('attached', 'Group now contains User(s) '
. array_values($changes['attached']));
$request->session()->flash('detached', 'Group no longer contains User(s) '
. array_values($changes['detached']));
Happy coding!